This commodity-based agriculture has caused 75 per cent

(Representational image) There are two distinct futures of food and farming.Intensive industrial agriculture is also creating a health crisis by producing nutritionally empty toxic commodities.Solum Corporation does not work with farmers to understand the rich soil food web — the bacteria, the fungi, the earthworms.Contrary to the myth that small farmers should be wiped out because they are unproductive and we should leave our food future in the hands of the poison cartel, surveillance drones and spyware, small farmers are providing 70 per cent of global food using 30 per cent of the resources that go into agriculture. Today the evidence is growing that artificial fertilisers have reduced soil fertility, reduced food production and contributed to desertification, water slow our feet, in the soil. This is not the intelligence for sustainable management of pests. All over the world, small farmers and gardeners are already implementing this agriculture, preserving and developing their soils, their seeds, practising agroecology.Explosives that were made by burning fossil fuels at high temperature to fix atmospheric nitrogen were later used to make chemical fertilisers. The slogan was that there would never again be scarcity of food because we can now make “bread from air”.We cannot address climate change and its very real consequences without recognising the central role of the industrial and globalised food system, which contributes more than 40 per cent to greenhouse gas emissions through deforestation, animals in concentrated animal-feeding operations (CAFOs), plastics and aluminium packaging, plastic basket injection mould long-distance transport and food waste.The second leads to the rejuvenation of the planet through rejuvenation of biodiversity, soil, water, rejuvenation of small farms diverse, healthy, fresh, ecological food for all.

This commodity-based agriculture has caused 75 per cent of the destruction of soils, 75 per cent of the destruction of water resources, and pollution of our lakes, rivers and oceans, 93 per cent of crop diversity has been pushed to extinction through industrial agriculture. Because they are blindly paving the next phase on the dead end highway. This is the next step in a dead end future that ignores the intelligence of seeds, plants, soil organisms, our gut bacteria, farmers and our grandmothers.But data is not knowledge. end-of Tags: biodiversity, agriculture, farming. This is why the suicide epidemic of Indian farmers and farmers’ crisis has drawn no response from the government. It sells data.Monsanto’s partnership with Atomwise allows making a guess which molecules will give Monsanto the next possible pesticide. Bt cotton has pushed thousands of farmers to suicide. It selln the soil, where it belongs. One leads to a dead end. Bt crops were supposed to control pests but they have created new pests and superpests. It is just another commodity to make the farmer more dependent. Just the narrow bet on the next poison. It also increases the water holding capacity of soil, contributing to resilience in times of droughts, floods and other climate extremes. Today we have only two GMO applications: herbicide resistance and Bt toxins in crops

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